What is the definition of Respect? | What is the meaning of Respect?
Respect is a measure of the psychological valuation of people and things (i.e. how much we value other people and things). By this definition respect is also the currency of valuation of people and things. (Just as we place a monetary value on a piece of jewelry, a vehicle, or a house, we also place a value on people - psychological value, not monetary value).

What does the word EKTIMIS mean?

EKTIMIS (pronounced EK-TEE-MISS) is derived from the greek word, EKTIMISI, which implies respect.

What does the EKTIMIS brand stand for?

EKTIMIS is a trademark and a brand name. The brand represents and promotes respect - as an attitude, as a standard, and as a lifestyle. You can't adopt a lifestyle without setting first a standard, and you cannot establish a standard without forming the right attitude. Respect begins with the right attitude. Based on this philosophy, everything we create here at EKTIMIS is designed to shape attitudes, to help cultivate high standards, and to support a quality and respectful lifestyle.

Who created EKTIMIS?
EKTIMIS was created and founded by Niyi Taiwo (a.k.a. N. Taiwo) in 2008 after completion of a multi-year research study on the topic of respect a year earlier that led to the publication of his first book, Respect: Gaining It and Sustaining It, as well as The Top Ten Laws of Respect body of principles - The Top Ten Laws of Respect; The Top Ten Laws of Respect in the Workplace; The Top Ten Laws of Respect at Home.

How were The Top Ten Laws of Respect derived?

The principles that constitute The Top Ten Laws of Respect were derived by continuous improvement expert, Niyi Taiwo, as part of a multi-year research into the topic of respect. The research originally started with the purpose of identifying and developing a system or framework that would facilitate and enable a more effective method for teaching and learning the underlying concepts behind respect -- that is, the aspects of respect that occur in the mind and that precedes one's behavior and that you do not see (the psychology of respect). The Top Ten Laws of Respect (The Top Ten Laws of Respect; The Top Ten Laws of Respect in the Workplace; The Top Ten Laws of Respect at Home) subsequently came out of this research effort.

What is the EKTIMIS Respect Model (ERM)?
The EKTIMIS Respect Model, also known as the ERM, is a visual (graphical) representation of the concept of respect. Think of it as Respect in a visual or visible form. The ERM shows the components of respect (or the constructs of respect), the various pieces that make up respect, and most importantly, how these pieces fit together. This powerful visual illustration enables a teacher, instructor, mentor, or a parent to easily and effectively learn & teach the concept of respect. Respect has never been this visual, this visible or this clear. View the ERM.

Why are some of The Top Ten Laws the same for the Personal, the Professional, and the Family Guides?

Each of The Top Ten Laws of Respect guides (Personal, Professional, and Family) is divided into three categories: foundational principles, influential principles, and sustaining principles. The foundational principles deal with the humanity and essence of respect and so will be identical across the three contexts; the influential principles deal with the basic factors that cause you to respect other people and vice versa and these are the same no matter where you are; the sustaining principles, however, will vary because the keys factors that enable you to maintain respect will vary based on your environment and the dynamics of the environment. View The Top Ten Laws of Respect.

How are the EKTIMIS books on respect different from other books on respect?

There are several books out on the market on the topic of respect. Many of them are written for children's development needs - and rightfully so. However, fewer books exist on the market for adult needs. These few focus more on behavioral suggestions that demonstrate respect. The EKTIMIS books, however, present a very comprehensive view of respect, focusing on the invisible aspects of respect first - the part that occurs in the mind or the psychology of respect - and then on the visible aspects of respect second (the part that you see through one's choices and behavior). The EKTIMIS approach also presents principles for sustaining respect making it very comprehensive and powerful. We believe that everyone has an inherent power to change and improve themselves, and EKTIMIS books are written to lead a reader to reflect inward and to draw strength from within - to effect a change in attitude, an improvement in personal standards, and ultimately an improvement in lifestyle.

What are EKTIMIS Artifacts?

Artifacts in general are man-made things that reflect a particular culture or lifestyle during a period in time. EKTIMIS artifacts are framed images (artwork) that are designed to engage the senses and inspire and motivate people who observe them. They are also designed to help express an attitude of a host and to enrich a host environment. EKTIMIS artifacts are unique because each one incorporates an element of The Top Ten Laws of Respect along with an engaging and reflective artistic illustration. EKTIMIS artifacts are created by a team of EKTIMIS professional artists under the direction and guidance of the author of the EKTIMIS principles.

What are the benefits of EKTIMIS Artifacts?

Studies have shown that people are influenced by their environment. When you surround yourself with things that engage your senses (in a powerful way), these things can influence your attitude. Respect always begins with the right attitude. EKTIMIS artifacts can enrich a home, a workplace, or a social venue and can help shape a positive attitude - of respect.

How may the EKTIMIS Articles be beneficial to me?

EKTIMIS articles are written to provide insight, to motivate, and to inspire. The topics covered in the articles relate to issues and aspects of daily activities and interpersonal relationships that most people can relate to. The articles may be used as a resource and as tools for personal and professional improvement, as well as family development. View the EKTIMIS Articles Library.

Does EKTIMIS engage in Corporate Sponsorships?
Yes, EKTIMIS recently began pursuing corporate sponsorship programs. The EKTIMIS brand and platform can help corporations and businesses meet their sponsorship needs, goals, and objectives. While we reach out to specific corporations, to solicit their sponsorship for EKTIMIS, we also welcome organizations that perceive synergy with EKTIMIS and wish to learn more about how our brand can support and meet their sponsorship needs, marketing goals and objectives, as well as sales growth. View the EKTIMIS Sponsor Information Page.